Thursday, 25 February 2010

Thursday, 11 February 2010

ideas for my magazine advertisement

Another one from photoshop, i like how the writing is on the wall, as it if was graffiti, its in red as it is a deep and angry colour, the man has his head in his hands, he is alone, he only has his thoughts to deal with, the thoughts on him are next to him, this is everything about him, and its also the name of the song.
This is one i did my self on photoshop, i like the idea a man looking down, depressed, with the writing in different angles, meaning that thoughts are going through his head in all directions.

This is the magazine advertisement for the sex pistols, it has the great britain flag behind it and the major words in a bolder font, such as "tour"and "sex pistols", it has the major dates on the advertisement circled, as though this was someones and they have circled which events which they wont to go to. The advertisement also has which bands they are talking with them on tour. It is in black and white, and the first line says "anarchy" in the Uk meaning that the tour has no law.

Lil waynes adveritsement shows him stood looking at the camera and him looking away from the camera, with a sparkle in his hair, Lil wayne has money floating around him with a sliver casette player in the background, looking at though that has sounded out the money instead, suggesting that his music makes him money.

The first idea, i like alot but it will be better quality, i like the idea off the artist stood in front of a sign post pointing to ways, this shows that he is lost, or losing his way, this relates to the song.

This is an idea which is not detailed but it gives me an idea off how the advertisement may look.

Ideas for my dvd front cover

Here is one i did on photoshop, i liked the idea of him in a desert, walking as if he is lost, also the font looks like posh and if it was meant to be a poem, i like the way it looks old fashioned and dep and meaningfull, like the song.
The image on the right, is off a man who is looking down and depressed, this matches the theme of the song along with the writing and how it looks old fashioned with the shirt he is wearing. I feel it it should be simple but with a strong meaning.

Usher here i stand album, is classic, it shows him stood their, walking away from a car, this shot is a screen shot from one off his music videos, the album shows ushers name wearing away but the "stand" bit is in full, suggesting that it is important. Usher and the car are in focus but everything else behind it has been faded out.

Images of what i like from the internet, could use these for my cover. I particulary like the one of the man holding his baby, as it shows a sensitive side. The song is slow and soft and talks about his daughter. The image could show how he wants to be with his daughter.

This is lil waynes album cover for his third album, i like it how the artist has chosen a baby, with the same tattoes as lil wayne has. I could use this for my own dvd cover, for example using a baby, to show the daughter which is mentioned in the song. It could be a close up off a daughters eyes.